HSC 1101C Winter 2014 Intro to Healthy Living Preview Page

Course Preview Page Template D2L

Course Preview Page

HSC 1101C 

Winter 2015
Session 2: 506742

This class meets fully online with NO on-campus meetings

Mandatory Orientation: Mandatory Orientation must be completed within first three days of the session. Details below. If you do not complete orientation by the third day, you will be denied access to the course and will need to drop by the drop/add deadline.

Faculty Introduction

Welcome! My name is Dr. Bedient and I will be your Instructor for this term. I hope you enjoy your online experience. This class provides a great amount of useful and practical information. I enjoy all forms of exercise and love educating people on the benefits. If you don't use it, you lose it!

Course Description

A course primarily designed and organized for students to optimize their wellness in each of the following six interrelated dimensions: Physical Wellness, Intellectual Wellness, Emotional Wellness, Spiritual Wellness, Interpersonal/Social Wellness and Environmental/Planetary Wellness. Students will identify how to apply this information to lead healthy lives that contribute to the welfare of the community and environment.

Methods of Instruction

This 1-credit hour course. Normally, a 1-credit course would meet once or twice during the week (during a 16-week term) for a total of 1 hours per week or 16 hours per term. There is a mandatory online orientation that must be completed in the first three days of the semester.  This includes posting a welcome introductory discussion, completing an assignment and completing a 10-question online quiz based on the syllabus. See the course schedule in the syllabus for more details. Students are responsible to review the course syllabus during the semester.

This course consists of project assignments based on the textbook, online discussions, an environmental group project and a midterm and final exam.

Learning Outcomes

1. The student shall be able to understand all aspects of physical wellness including assessment, interpretation, maintenance and implementation of a wellness plan.
2. The student shall discuss factors that may influence their emotional well-being.
3. The student shall discuss factors that may improve intellectual well-being.
4. The student shall discuss factors that affect spiritual wellness.
5. The student shall identify factors that affect interpersonal-social wellness.
6. The student shall identify how personal wellness affects the health of the planet and how they can help to create a more sustainable world.

Course Requirements

There are no prerequisites for HSC 1101C. Students should have access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint (for a group project) and camera or phone to take a video.

  • Required Prerequisites or Special Admission Criteria (include any specific computer/technology skills or other special competencies needed).
  • New to e-learning? Review the student videos and general information about online learning at the Broward College Online website before enrolling in any online or blended course.
  • Before enrolling in an e-learning course review, computer requirements.
  • Hardware or Software Requirements specific to your course (if different from the BC standard)
  • Required Meeting Dates or Times (include attendance requirements and dates of on-campus tests if any)
  • All students must obtain their BC email address. It is used for course login.
  • Consider posting your Course Syllabus to your faculty home page and providing a link to it from this Course Preview Page so students needing more detailed information can obtain it without having to contact you.
  • If use of a college or public library card will be required for your course, provide a link to library information and tell them which cards they will need.

Course Materials


This course uses OER (Online Educational Resources). The text is embedded in the Course Content.
Textbook Information:
Author: White,LindaTitle: Health Now: An Integrative Approach to Personal Health, version 1.03, Flat World Knowledge, 2013.ISBN: 978-1-4533-6338-6.If you use the text from within the course, there is no charge for it. If you wish to obtain a print version of the text, you can do so from Flat World Knowledge. You will be charged for the print version -- details will be available in course syllabus.
The remaining course materials -- notes (in both .pdf format for viewing on the screen and .ppt format for printing) and links are all provided within the course. It is extremely important that you use all the resources provided in the course.
In addition, this course utilizes the following required software or hardware tools:1. access to PowerPoint software2. tape measure3. any exercise piece of equipment that you can use at home such as a stability ball and/or a set of dumbbells, or exercise bands.

Access to PowerPoint software to create group project relating to environmental wellness. 

A tape measure and a stability ball, small weights or mat.

How to Register for this Course

Please register for the course using myBC website. Students must pay for the course before they will be able to log into the course.

Information Contact

Email: abedient@broward.edu
Wellness Dept: 954-201-7900

How to Access this Course once you are Enrolled in this Course

You are able to log-in at 8am on the first day of class.  There may be a delay of up to 20 minutes from when you register and pay before BConline login is activated.
  • Your BConline User Name is the same as your BC email ID.
  • Your BConline password is the same as your BC email PIN code.
  • If you need login information, obtain BC email user ID and PIN code before attempting to login to BConline.
  • The BC email address site, click on "ID Lookup", then enter your Student# (or INTL Student ID#) and PIN code (2 digit birth month and 4 digit year). Write down your email ID (not the @mail.broward.edu part), which is your BConline User Name.
Links to help you get connected to BConline course(s)